Yvonne’s Spiritual Healing

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment”. – Matthew 22: 37, 38
Dear God, the guardian of my heart – the keeper of my soul – the master of my universe, right here on earth. I humbly submit myself to thee; my life is yours to control as you see fit.
I write this Dear God letter for I’m unable to speak. I’m overwhelmed by these feelings of affection I feel for thee. I poured out my heart in words written on paper – expressing my love and devotion for my Lord and Master. No one knows me like you do, no one understands me like you. No one could ever love me more than you. After all who else would die for me but you?
My feelings run deep. My tear stained face is a witness. I write and write this letter of thanks – speechless as I reach for more paper to express myself. In remembrance of all the trials you brought me through, the comfort I felt when I called out to you. You gave me hope in times of despair. You dried my tears when smothered with doubt and fear. Though I can’t see you I felt your presence near – looking over my shoulder as I write this Dear God letter.
Believing in God whom I cannot see, some people think it’s foolish of me. The word of God I trust for he cannot lie; loving him void of human touch. There’s a feeling so deep I can’t ignore. So I must listen to my heart, my brain struggles at times to make sense of it all.
Thank you God for loving me in spite of me; every time I went astray, you stayed; you never turned away. Thank you for caring even during times of doubt. Thanking you God is not enough so I’ll obey all your laws and statues which are pleasing in your sight.
My Dear God letter is longer than expected. I don’t have to mail it for I know you are looking over my shoulders. Since I couldn’t find the words to say it, dear Lord let this letter be my prayer instead. Like always when I pray, I’ll end my letter by writing “In Jesus Name “… Amen.
“Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”. – Roman 8:39
From: Y: Life With Jesus Christ
Yvonne’s website: www.y-god.com …