Legends of NBA Style: The GQ+A with Walt Frazier

GQ: You came from Atlanta and had eight siblings. When did you start  caring about clothes?

Walt Frazier: Well, see, it started out early. My  dad was a good dresser. So I remember as a kid admiring his clothes, trying to  wear them when he wasn’t around.

GQ: Did he wear suits?

Walt Frazier: No, never wore suits too  much. But he was very creative. Like, he used to wear overalls but the way he  wore them was very sexylike.

GQ: Sexy overalls? What was the scene in Atlanta like?

Walt Frazier: Nobody had any money. But when you went to church, people look nice. When  you went downtown, you were taught that you were not only representing your  family but your race.

GQ: Was it preppy?

Walt Frazier: Yeah. Our flash was making some  tailor-made pants with no back pockets. They cost like $25 dollars. That was a  big deal if you could do that. 

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