This is why you are Single and they’re not! (The Ten Percent Rule) 

Most of us choose our partners based on our wants and not our needs. This creates a problem because having someone by your side is a necessity, not a desire. Remember Adam did not choose Eve, God did! I know there are some people out there who say that they are single by choice. That may sound good, but in reality, everyone needs someone.  

I’m one of those people who believe that there is someone for everyone. The problem is people do not accept what is meant for them, instead, they rather look for what they think deserve. This leads to an endless search that results in bad relationships, bastard children, unfulfillment, and bitterness.   

Well, I’m challenging you to get your mind right and the rest will follow! Shake those thoughts of you having this perfect union with an Instagram model, who is smart, works hard, cooks cleans, and is great in bed. Remove those fantasies of you getting swept off your feet by this dude who is handsome, “financially secure”, works out regularly, smart, faithful, loyal, and great in bed.  

The odds of these things happening is slim to none. In fact, my ten percent rule is based on numbers and probability. I believe that over the span of your dating history, past, present, and future, you will have at least one person that is meant for you to marry. I call it the ten percent rule because I’m using the example of out of ten people you meet, at least one will be suitable.

Don’t believe me, well think about ten people who you exchanged numbers with, went out on dates, slept with, or had a relationship with. Out of those ten people, can you honestly say that one wasn’t for you?  

The issue is that most people don’t select that one person. Our problem as a whole is that we are ungrateful and greedy. Plus, a lot of us want the same thing or people. We are not satisfied, with our own relationships, because we are too busy comparing to other people’s relationships.  

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