Thousands rally against anti-Asian hate in San Francisco

Two marches merged into one, resulting in a large gathering at Union Square.

Jeff Lee was among the estimated 3,000 who took part in mostly Asian marches to protest the rise in violence against Asian American’s and Pacific Islanders.

“It’s a point in time now where we feel we have to voice our opinions loud and clear,” said Jeff Lee, with the Wah Ying Club.

The fight against Asian hate is spanning generations, as old and young stand in solidarity.

“Trying to support this community.  Trying to stop this bad thing that’s happening to us,” said Kory Wong.

“So amazing to see thousands of people out here today,” said one speaker as she looked over the large gathering.

As marchers gathered at Union Square, a woman identified as a retired judge took to the mic to say more must be done to protect those disproportionately affected by violence, women and the elderly

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