Thousands rally against anti-Asian hate in San Francisco

A speaker with the ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) blamed much of the uptick in crimes against Asians on the former president.

“And we condemn Trump and his staff, his agents of hatred and racist terror,” Gloria La Riva, with ANSWER Coalition.

San Francisco’s police chief told the crowd the city will become an anti-hate model for the world, while the mayor thanked volunteers for helping the vulnerable.

“I want to thank some of you for taking your personal time to patrol the streets, to look out for our seniors, to help them run errands,” said Mayor Breed.

“Hate is a virus.  And here’s the answer.  Here’s the vaccination.  Love,” said SFPD Chief, Bill Scott.

Jeff Lee is a member of the Wah Ying club, a community organization now working with police to create an outreach program to provide anti-hate education to the general public.

He says talk provides motivation, but it will be “action” that makes the lasting change his community seeks.

“We’d like to see no more violence, No more hatred, No more division. We just want peace and harmony.”

Lee says he’s not sure when these educational programs will be available, but he says they were needed yesterday, so they’re working diligently to make it happen as quickly as possible.

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