“9/11” Will Not Just Go Away

Information has been recently released (http://www.israellobby.org/ADL/default.asp) that documents the ADL’s relentless attempt to get the FBI to spy on Arab-American citizens since the 1940s. Shortly before 9/11, the ADL won a long-coveted honor: co-hosting an FBI- and ADL-coordinated “Symposium on Hate Crime and Extremism.” Well, the ADL does not have to do its own spying work on Muslims anymore, as they did on the Nation of Islam in 1942 and the 1950s. “9/11” has enlisted the FBI, Homeland Security, the CIA, the NSA, local authorities and every “Red-Blooded American” to spy on and report any “suspicious” activities of Muslims, no matter where you find them.

American Whites have given up their constitutional rights to the “god of 9/11.” Blacks and American Muslims just wish it would all go away. However, whenever there is some “terrorist” attack that pops up anywhere on the planet, the “god of 9/11” is brought forward for everyone to bow before its image and obey the next set of directives given by its earthly representative, the U.S. Government—all to protect Israel’s claim on the land of Palestine. Israel’s illegitimate claim on Palestine and her treatment of the Palestinians have fomented the anger of the Muslim world. So Israel has enlisted her big brothers, America and England, to protect her against her Muslim neighbors.

Minister Farrakhan gave an interview to Al Jazeera responding to charges of Anti-Semitism in 2007. He stated: “The real Anti-Semites are those that came out of Europe and settled in Palestine and now call themselves the true Jew when now in reality they were converted to Judaism. And I will say that the real Semitic Jews have been in that area of the world for thousands of years. They belong to Palestine. But these Johnny-come-latelies …have put themselves there and say that that is their land.”

If it were not for the collapse of building number 7 of the World Trade Center and Minister Farrakhan’s fearless pursuit of truth, the real perpetrators of 9/11 would probably have gotten away with this great hoax on humanity, which has produced a “god” of fear that virtually the whole world bows down to at the mention of “9/11.” Today there are numerous “truth” cells exposing the hoax of “9/11,” including: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice, Scientists for 9/11 Truth, Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth, U.S. Military Officers for 9/11 Truth, Patriots Question 9/11, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Actors and Artists for 9/11 Truth, Actors Artists Athletes for 9/11 Truth, Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, Law Enforcement Professionals for 9/11 Truth, 9/11 Press for Truth, Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth, Rememberbuilding7.org and World for 9/11 Truth.

It seems that the only groups not represented in the “9/11 truth” movement are “Cowards for 9/11 Truth” and “Please Go Away, 9/11 Truth” (smile). Those beasts in human form that created “9/11” and killed 3,000 of their own people will not let it go away, because it allows them to destroy nations abroad and control the masses at home, all in the name of “9/11.” While it is true that this Beast has all the money and courts and lawyers and guns, we believe that the God and His Christ that Minister Farrakhan represents can physically defeat him. However, we can at least reduce the economic power of the Beast by withdrawing our support from his businesses and find somebody Black to spend our money with. Let us continue the economic boycott initiated by Minister Farrakhan on 10-10-15, “Justice or Else”—and stop being a dumb sucker and let the bloodsucker die.

 (Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad, Ph.D., is an Agricultural Economist and member of the Nation of Islam Research Group. Visit them online at http://www.noirg.org and join the conversation on FaceBook.com/NOIResearch and Twitter @ NOIResearch.)

Article Appeared @http://noirg.org/articles/911-will-not-just-go-away/


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