Federal Judge Blocks New Texas Anti-Abortion Law

But Judge Yeakel wrote that the Senate Bill 8 impinges on the constitutional rights of women seeking a second term abortion.

He wrote:

“The court concludes the Act is an inappropriate use of the State’s regulatory power over the medical profession to bar certain medical procedures and substitute others in furtherance of the State’s legitimate interest in regulating the medical profession in order to promote respect for the life of the unborn. The State’s valid interest in promoting respect for the life of the unborn, although legitimate, is not sufficient to justify such a substantial obstacle to the constitutionally protected right of a woman to terminate a pregnancy before fetal viability.”

Judge Yeakel added that at least seven other states have passed laws banning dilation and evacuation abortions. Courts in four states—Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas and Oklahoma—have prevented those laws from taking effect. A legal challenge is pending in Louisiana. Similar laws in Mississippi and West Virginia have not been contested.

The ruling was praised by abortion rights advocates.

“Today, facts and the rule of law once again prevailed over an unrelenting and coordinated political agenda against American women’s health and well-being. The court’s decision once again makes clear that politicians cannot force their way into private medical decisions that should stay between patients and physicians,” said Nancy Northrup, president and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights in a statement.

Article Appeared @https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/11/22/566173248/federal-judge-blocks-new-texas-anti-abortion-law

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