Has Science Discovered The Creator?

But is there actual empirical evidence of a multiverse? Evidence that can be observed? There is none, though astronomers, physicists, and cosmologists have searched diligently for many years. In fact, multiverse proponents do not even have a solid, operational theory for it; they acknowledge that the multiverse remains only a hypothesis—an unproven idea. Yet highly educated people continue to have faith that a multiverse exists, while rejecting the idea of a designed universe—despite overwhelming evidence for the latter.

So, who is being irrational here? The evidence vastly favors a designer.

If one can believe something to the extent that there is evidence for it, has science provided such evidence for the existence of God? Or, at least, for a designer of the universe?

Rationally, one must admit that without solid, scientific evidence of a multiverse, a designed universe is highly probable scientifically—and is indeed the primary alternative. But this alternative has become “the elephant in the room” that few in the world of science want to notice. Most act as if it is not there.

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