Obama Angers Latino Allies by Delaying Immigration Change

Latino Voters

“Democrats forget that it was the Latino and immigrant vote that kept them in office,” said Lynn Tramonte, the Cleveland-based deputy director of America’s Voice, a group that favors changing immigration law to make attaining citizenship easier. “It’s seriously taking these voters for granted and having a very short political memory of the fact that the reason they’re even fighting for their majority today is thanks to these voters that they’re now turning their backs on.”

In an attempt to assuage the concerns of such allies, the president personally made phone calls from Air Force One to explain his decision, according to a White House official who requested anonymity to discuss private conversations. White House aides were making further calls today, the official said.

Many allies weren’t mollified. United We Dream, the group promoting political action by immigrant youth, put a banner on its website saying “President Barack Obama has further cemented his legacy as the #DeporterInChief.”

“He raised the hopes of people and he dashed them again,” Clarissa Martinez, deputy vice president of the Washington-based National Council of La Raza, the largest U.S. Hispanic civil rights and advocacy group, said in an interview. “We’re deeply disappointed. This is just another on the list of hurry up and wait that our community has experienced on this issue.”

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Steven Komarow at skomarow1@bloomberg.net Maura Reynolds, Bernard Kohn

Article Appeared @http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-06/obama-delays-action-on-immigration-until-after-midterm-elections.html



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