Why Wall Street Protests don’t Speak to African Americans

Occupy Wall Street might seem like a movement that would resonate with black Americans. After all, unemployment among African-Americans is at 15 percent, versus almost 8 percent for whites. And between 2005 and 2009, black households lost just over half of their median net worth compared with white families, who lost 16 percent, according to the Pew Research Center…… READ MORE

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Rusty Jabbz New York Hip Hop Review

I’m on my way to the Rocksmith store for Timbo King’s listening party. Timbo King, a member of The Royal Fam and Black Market Militia has been puttin’ in work as part of the Wu -Tang affiliates. Tonight is the night; he lets everyone who is invited to hear his debut of “From Babylon to Timbuktu”. ……. READ MORE

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Who will Mourn George Whitmore?

I RECEIVED news this week of the death of George Whitmore Jr., an occurrence noted, apparently, by no one in the public arena.
That Whitmore could die without a single mention in the media is a commentary on a city and nation that would rather bury and forget the difficult aspects of our shared history. …. Read More

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