Parents of mentally disabled woman sue Wal-Mart, Livonia cops over her arrest

Kozma feared the worst: a kidnapping.

Within minutes, she would learn what was really happening. Her 25-year-old daughter, Jodi, who has the mental capacity of an 8-year-old, was being questioned for shoplifting at a Livonia Wal-Mart. Jodi was suspected of stealing hair ties and hiding them in her waistband and purse during a shopping trip with her grandmother, records show.

Jodi wound up in handcuffs, muscled to the floor by Livonia police.

Wal-Mart and the Livonia police wound up in court.

Turned out, Jodi had bought a 30-pack of hair ties and stickers that day, and has a receipt as proof. The suspicious bulge in her waistband was her cellphone.

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