The Savage Origin Of Saint Valentine’s Day

Let’s investigate and identify who was Saint Valentine?

Alas, Valentine’s day, but who is this mysterious Saint, and where did these traditions come from? First, we should understand that Valentine’s Day began when the early Roman Catholic Church tried to Christianize a pagan Roman holiday called Lupercalia. That celebration was a licentious festival that honored Lupercus, the hero-hunter of wolves. This festival was so immensely popular among the Roman people that church leaders included it in their calendar, hoping to retain their new parishioners and turn them from sexual licentiousness to morality by linking it to a Saint.

Like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween, and St. Valentine’s day are disingenuous because the original purpose is distorted, and is promoted primary for monetary gain.

As innocent and harmless as St. Valentine’s Day may appear, its traditions and customs originate from two of the most sexually perverted pagan festivals of history: Lupercalia and the feast day of Juno Februata.

Celebrated on February 15, Lupercalia (known as the “festival of the sexual license”) was held by the ancient Romans in honor of Lupercus, god of fertility and husbandry, protector of herds and crops, and a mighty hunter-especially of wolves. The Romans believed that Lupercus ‘would protect Rome from roving bands of wolves, which devoured livestock and people.

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