Thy Excruciating Pain Of A Mother With An Incarcerated Child.

Imagine. That baby that you as a Mother have is locked down behind bars hundreds of miles away vulnerable one hundred percent of the time with people who have all types of twisted motivations to do harm to others.

I don’t care how “strong” a Mother may appear to her peers, the thought of her own flesh and blood being under that kind of threat is enough to rip her soul apart n a slow burn! She can go to a social function and appear to be happy and having a great time but if you look a little closer into her eyes, you will see the pain that has been an unwanted constant companion in her life.

Could you imagine having a heartache that seems to never go away?

Can you imagine being held mentally and emotionally captive like that Mother who makes those endless phone calls to an always seemingly elusive lawyer who always seems to fall short on performance even though she has scraped, borrowed and sometimes did all kinds of things to get the payments for legal counsel in on time as to not delay the fight for her child’s case?

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