Vocab Slick Interview w/ Blacktruth.net

Do you think race relations in America are improving or getting worse? Why?

I definitely think race relations over all are getting better In most of America, maybe not all. I personally think the problem is between classes. For example, the rich versus poor and that trickles down to race.

How do you feel about the reception towards “Colorful Vocab” versus “Somethin’ Slick
I definitely think ”Colorful Vocab” was maybe overlooked or is overlooked a bit. Reason being there was no ”gimmick” preset with it, it’s just a straight rap record, whereas ”Somethin’ Slick” had the whole 8-bit video game thing which appealed to a broader audience. It’s probably one of those things that’s going to take people a minute to catch on to.

vocab pic 2How do you think being a recovering addict affects your music?

I think It makes me more of a personal/ or honest rapper. In the sense that I’m saying things that need to be said for me, and at the same time I’m seeing other people who have been in my shoes really respect the music and the message. In a lot of cases people have told me how something I’ve said has helped them through a hard time in their life. I think it also makes me more focused because I’ve been there and done that so I can focus more on the work in front of me and not on the things that can bring me down.

Do you have any advice for people out there also struggling with a habit?

My advice would be to take it one day at a time and not to get to down on yourself when you do have slipups. Surrounding yourself with a support group of like-minded individuals is a must and don’t hesitate to ask for help when and if you need it.

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