Pork the other White Meat?

*  China is the largest producer of pigs in the world.

*  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that more than 100 viruses come to the United States each year from China through pigs.

*  Pork being extremely fatty, when consumed it builds up in your small intestines. It disrupts the natural processes in your digestive system and disables your ability to naturally absorb the most essential nutrients from other foods.

*  The very U.S. pork that just came under ownership of a Chinese company can’t even be sold in China. That’s because Smithfield and other U.S. pork producers dose hogs with a drug called ractopamine, which, like antibiotics, is used to speed growth. Because of the drug’s iffy safety record, pork from hogs dosed with it is banned in 160 countries, including China.

*  Extremely crowded conditions, poor ventilation, and filth in factory farms cause such rampant disease in pigs that 70 percent of them have pneumonia by the time they’re sent to the slaughterhouse.

*  One of the biggest concerns with eating pork meat is trichinellosis or trichinosis. This worm parasite is very commonly found in pork. When the worm, most often living in cysts in the stomach, opens through stomach acids, its larvae are released into the body of the pig. These new worms make their homes in the muscles of the pig. Next stop? The unknowing human body who consumes this infected meat flesh.

When making decisions on what to eat and what not to eat, being informed is always the best way to go.  Everything that is sold in a store isn’t necessarily made to eat.

Siddiqu “The Personal Trainer” is a CPT, motivational speaker, author of  How Are You Fat and Saved?! He is also the Co-creator of the largest bootcamp in Chicago The No Excuse Bootcamp and the exercise series “You Would Think I Invented Sweat” for booking information or more fitness tips visit www.chicagofit4life.com  

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