The Flying Monkeys of Facebook

Facebook gave the heads up on this ban to several major mainstream news media outlets. This means that this was a coordinated action, on behalf of the progressive left against leading conservative activist. I say this because clearly there was a preconceived bias toward the right or else they would have never called Louis Farrakhan right wing. They do this in an autocratic way, for if Facebook consider what one says, or thinks is hateful, people will not be allowed to share their views or opinions.

In basic terms, by their logic, one could ask why should Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Louis Farrakhan and Laura Loomer be allowed to use a computer, or paper to write down and publish their views or a telephone for that matter? Would a contractor that builds a public square in a town be allowed to decide who can or cannot speak on the wood stage they built? Don’t even consider the fact that they deem hateful people as folk they simply disagree with. As the Verge notes: “The decision took into account the group’s behavior both on and offline” So for Facebook, appearing in a video with Gavin McInnes (Jones & Loomer) or even praising him or Tommy Robinson (Milo Yiannopoulos). CNN and Fox have had Gavin McInnes on TV, will they be banned? Facebook even allows a convicted pedophile (Austin Jones) to use their platform to groom underage girls into sending sex videos to him and his page is still up. How does this make sense?

According to CNN, Facebook states: “We’ve always banned individuals or organizations that promote or engage in violence and hate, regardless of ideology,” If this was accurate then Antifa and Islamic Jihadist fundamentalist would have been banned but they have not. If these people are dangerous and get banned, then why are people like Antifa allowed to threaten conservatives,  even their families with death and are allowed to operate openly on face book? None of them have never threaten to kill people from what I have read. A white democrat can call a black conservative a “nigger uncle Tom” and not be banned (I know I responded to a twitter blue check who called me that and was banned for life from Twitter). Yet still, some under thirty something silicon valley nerd in San Francisco, where shit and needles literally cover the streets, is allowed to make these decisions of what people are allowed or not allowed to listen to. I bet there wasn’t even a black person in the room when this decision was made.

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