The Greatest Story Never Told

Five Percenters

Allah’s First Born became very powerful and dynamic young men and brought hundreds of black youth into the knowledge of self. They became known as Allah’s Five Percent or the Five Percenters.  It was in December of 1964 that the first assassination attempt was made on the life of Allah by a Negro named Carlos, who shot him with a high-powered rifle in a basement on 127th Street.  The wound was serious enough for Allah to have to be hospitalized but it was not fatal.    


Allah Arrested  

On May 31, 1965 Allah was speaking at a rally in front of the Hotel Theresa, located at 2098 7th Avenue, when two police officers attempted to break up the rally.  As a result a disturbance was brought about. Allah along with several other men were arrested for unlawful assembly and disorderly conduct.  At the arraignment in criminal court before Judge Francis X O’Brien, he told the judge that he was wrong for accusing the righteous people and that the city would blow up.  When offered a lawyer, he told the judge that he was Allah and that he would represent himself. The judge then ordered that he be taken and held in custody on a $9,500 bond. That September the judge in Supreme Court part thirty ordered him to be placed in the custody of the Psychiatric Unit at Bellevue Hospital for psychiatric treatment. This was the result of him proclaiming himself to be God (Allah). While at Bellevue he continued to teach the youth and authorities transferred him to Mattawan as a means of separating him from his growing nation.  Notwithstanding, the nation continued to grow.  Allah’s Five Percent traveled to see him in Mattawan Hospital in Beacon, N.Y.  and the nation spread to Beacon and neighboring Newburg as Five Percenters from New York City frequented these communities.  

Allah’s Return

Upon returning to New York City in 1967 the Five Percent held their first Universal Parliament in Mount Morris Park to welcome Allah home. Thousands of Five Percenters turned out to welcome Allah’s return.  Allah spoke to them and there was a thunderous response that reciprocated his greeting of Peace! Allah thanked them for being strong and continuing to grow in his physical absence.  He knew they had been building because of all the young he saw. “You are all pace setters of the world, you are Guardian Angels.  Keep teaching and you will take over the world.”  At one point in the parliament there was a disturbance caused by some Muslim followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad who were members of Temple No. 7 when Allah was there.  They had come to question him as to why he was teaching the youth of the nation that he was Allah.  Allah responded that “the Muslims of the Nation of Islam have never seen W.D. Fard and they worship him as Allah. But they say that they don’t worship a mystery god.  So you are worshipping in blind faith.  Elijah said we had to stand up on our own two feet.  You can bring Elijah, and any of his ministers to Rockland Palace and he will tell you that I am Allah.  You or any Muslims can’t judge me or my sons and your lessons say that anything made weak and wicked from the Original Man is devil, and you are running around worshipping a Half Original Man and not the Blackman.”  The Muslims departed as the Five Percenters celebrated a moral victory with thunderous cries of “All praises are due to Allah!”

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