Democracy Denied: US Turning Haiti into Another Vassal State

Now, with the prospects of having yet another election stolen, the people of Haiti have erupted to protect their right of  self-determination and, moreover, to protect their resources from more Clinton pillage. This Haitian struggle for independence and dignity today is as important for this small Caribbean country as was a similar struggle that resulted in the Haitian Revolution in 1804.

Recognizing that the situation could easily slip from their control, the US Embassy called Presidential candidate Jude Celestin in for “consultations.” The result was that Celestin got up and walked out of the meeting.  He declared at the time,“I am not a dealer, I am a leader.” Celestin, however, did not reveal the contents of the “deal” that was discussed. There certainly is enough on the table.  But, the US Embassy should not be in the position of protecting ill-gotten gains of US Presidential candidates against the will of the people in the affected country.

Jude Celestin has already had one election stolen from him by the Clintons; but this time, he has forged a relationship with the other candidates. They call themselves “the G8.”  So far, the G8 have held firm and called the Presidential election, Round One, fraudulent and they will not recognize any election outcome announced by the already-tainted Presidential Election Commission without an independent investigation of the allegations of fraud. 

“The G8 remain united in their call for an investigation of the election fraud.”

The US Embassy has not been able to peel away individual candidates who form the G8. On a recent trip to the country, Ambassador Kenneth Merten came away empty-handed.  Now, a special delegation from the United Nations is on the ground in Haiti trying to fix this mess because neither the US nor the Organization of American States has been able to move the G8 from its united position.

Today, the G8 remain united in their call for an investigation of the election fraud that marred the first round of the Presidential poll.

The US brought democracy to Yugoslavia and it no longer exists.  The US has spent $5 billion according to the State Department bringing democracy to Ukraine and today Ukraine is in turmoil. In the end, neither the people of Yugoslavia, nor the people of Ukraine have benefited from US democracy.  And so it goes with the people of Haiti. But the list of non-Haitians who benefit from US “democracy” is long, indeed. And the Clinton Foundation family and donors top this list.

After serving in the Georgia Legislature, in 1992, Cynthia McKinney won a seat in the US House of Representatives. She was the first African-American woman from Georgia in the US Congress. In 2005, McKinney was a vocal critic of the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina and was the first member of Congress to file articles of impeachment against George W. Bush. In 2008, Cynthia McKinney won the Green Party nomination for the US presidency.

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