Detroit Police Lieutenant, Officer Charged With Robbing Drug Dealers, Stealing Drugs Seized In Searches

According to the indictment, Hansberry and Watson arranged drug transactions with civilians, including confidential sources, so that they could rob and extort them. The duo allegedly carried out traffic stops and fake arrests and then stole drugs, money and personal property from their victims.

Hansberry and Watson are charged with using their status as law enforcement officers to assist in their scheme, by driving police vehicles, activating lights on their police vehicles, wearing police-issued attire, displaying official badges and carrying firearms.

Hansberry and Watson also allegedly identified themselves as police officers to coerce their victims into complying with their demands and to encourage their victims to flee, leaving behind illegal drugs, money, and personal property.

The indictment also alleges that Hansberry and Watson failed to log into evidence money and drugs seized during searches of homes. Instead, they split the proceeds and arranged for the sale of the drugs, sharing the proceeds generated by the sales.

Hansberry and Watson, who were previously assigned to the department’s now-disbanded Narcotics Section, have been suspended since October.

“Officers who violate the law cannot be tolerated because effective law enforcement requires public trust,” U.S. Attorney Barbara L. McQuade said in a statement. “We applaud Chief Craig’s commitment to root out any officers who tarnish the badge.”

The case was investigated by the by the FBI Detroit Area Public Corruption Task Force, in collaboration with the Detroit Police Department’s Office of Internal Affairs and the Drug Enforcement Administration.

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