Farrakhan and the Pope

The tone, tenor, and substance of the pope’s comments were very similar to the messages delivered to the predominantly Black audiences The Honorable Minister Farrakhan has been addressing around the nation as he prepares for the upcoming October 10th gathering in Washington, DC, for the 20th Anniversary of the Million Man March. In fact, they are the very themes The Minister has articulated for over 50 years as the National Representative of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam; namely, a new world order, the empowerment of the poor, the wickedness of the international bankers, and the racism of the Church. Even though they were speaking to two diverse audiences, in many ways it seems as though The Minister and The Pope were singing from the same hymnal.

To some observers, however, the pope seemed to be hedging his bets. The pontiff denounced the role of the international bankers and chastised corrupt governments, but failed to specify and identify the institutions that were victimizing the people and keeping them impoverished. Min. Farrakhan, however, has not hesitated to expose the international bankers who continue to oppress the masses of the people. A cursory overview of the banking system, for example, will show that the international financial industry is primarily a Jewish-dominated franchise. They include the Rothschilds, the heads of the Federal Reserve System, the titans of Wall Street, and the cartels that control the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, among others.

Many had expected the pope to mention specific cases of abuse by corrupt government officials, such as the case of the clash at the soybean estate in Paraguay’s Curuguaty hinterland that left 11 peasants and 6 police officers dead. Ignacio Telesca, a historian and former Jesuit priest, said, “It’s a shame, because Paraguayans needed Francis to say something specific about inequality and land conflicts, but instead he spoke in a general way as if he were talking about any Latin American country.”

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