How Old is the Earth?

So, as we can see, there is ample room in the words of Scripture to  recognize the very ancient age of planet Earth. The Bible’s clear description  of the creation of mankind, nearly 6,000 years ago, is not in conflict with its  description of angelic activity occurring long before the Genesis 1:2  event—activity long ago when the world had been entrusted to Lucifer and his  angels for God’s purposes before the creation of mankind.

But exactly how long ago did this  occur? How long did Satan’s rebellion last? Did the dinosaurs exist at this  time? Was it billions of years ago—close to the scientists’ estimate of a 4.5  billion-year-old Earth? Or was it earlier or later? On these details, the Bible  is silent. But there is no conflict between the words of Scripture and the  general scientific observation of a very ancient planet Earth.

Truly, science reveals many mysteries  yet to be solved. But we should never let the changing findings of science—which  are sometimes overturned entirely with the next discovery—cause us to doubt  what the unchanging God says in His word! The evidence of history and science,  properly understood, will always agree with the word of God. As Jesus Christ  declares: “Your word is truth” (John 17:17)!

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