Obama urges unity after Trump victory

“We are now all rooting for his success in uniting, and leading, this country,” Obama told a crowd of roughly 150 bleary-eyed aides in the Rose Garden of the White House, with Vice President Joe Biden standing next to him.

“Everybody is sad when their side loses an election,” the president said. “But the day after we have to remember that we’re actually all on one team. This is an intramural scrimmage. We’re not Democrats first, we’re not Republicans first. We are Americans first. We’re patriots first. We all want what’s best for our country.”

Obama, who said he had spoken to President-elect Trump around 3:30 a.m., said his administration would work as hard to make Trump’s Jan. 20th assumption of his duties as smooth as then-president George W. Bush worked when the former Illinois senator won his historic race in 2008. He added that he had invited Trump to the White House on Thursday.

The president also praised Hillary Clinton and tried to lift the spirits of downcast Democrats grieving their shock defeat.

“I could not be prouder of her,” Obama said. “A lot of Americans look up to her, her candidacy and nomination was historic and sends a message to our daughters all across the country that they can achieve at the highest level of politics. And I am absolutely confident that she and president Clinton will continue to do great work for people here in the United States and all around the world.”

Despite the somber tone, there were lighter moments in Obama’s remarks. He joked about predicting that the sun would come up no matter the outcome of the election, and noted “that is one bit of prognosticating that actually came true” — a clear joke about public opinion polls that failed to predict the election outcome.

At another point, Obama said, “I’ve lost elections before. Joe hasn’t.” Biden clasped the president’s shoulders, smiled, and observed “you beat me badly,” sending a small ripple of chuckles through the crowd.

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