4 Steps to keep your New Years Resolution

Block out a period of time–  Pick a time of the day that you will focus on exercise/fitness/diet   You can read fitness magazines during this time, walk, jog, jump rope etc…   As long as you are doing something fitness/health related.  The #1 excuse that I get from people on why they are not in tip-top shape is that they don’t have the time.  Well the fattest person and the fittest person in the world both have 24 hours in a day.  And here is a huge secret that most people don’t know.  Really out of shape people aren’t busier than really in shape people.  I remember one time I met an overweight lady in the gym and there was a slim fit girl working out in front of us, and she whispered to me “I want to look like that but I have a life”  I just smiled but the Siddiqu in me wanted to say, “You’re a cheeseburger away from a heart attack, you don’t have as much of a life as you think”

 Exercise Clothes/Shoes-  I trained my client Nancy Tassone today and she had a new shirt and new workout tights, and she had a better workout because of her new clothes.  I know this may sound crazy but I seriously see a difference in the mentality of people who have nice workout clothes.  It’s kind of like they want to show off in the gym because they look better.  If you don’t know what to wear just look at a person who is in shape in the gym, and buy what they have on.  The most in shape person will always have on the proper workout shoes and gear.

Water/Water/Water–  If you are not hydrated then you will have a terrible experience working out.  This is really a tip for all my alcohol drinkers.  Guess what, alcohol dehydrates you and when you are dehydrated it becomes a lot more difficult to perform exercises, especially cardio.  I have clients who try to tone up and lose weight while maintaining a heavy drinking schedule and it’s hilarious to see a person attempt the impossible.  It’s the equivalent to driving your car forward and then speeding in reverse then driving forward, then speeding in reverse, the entire time wondering what’s taking you so long to get to your destination.   The more hydrated your body is the better it will function, you can breathe easier, lift more weights, workout longer, and you recover a lot faster when you drink lots of water. 

Music– Yes music is a key element to really starting off a workout routine.  It has been scientifically proven that music aids the body in the increasing of exercise intensity and recovery rate.  What kind of music you ask?  Whatever music that really gets you going.  My client Cassandra Hirsch and I really enjoy listening to live performances from The Voice while my client Dwayne Gavin is more of a Motown person.  Music directly affects a person’s mood, so if you are not in the mood to exercise, put on some music that makes you want to move.  It’s like having your own motivational speaker in your headphones. 

Summary:  Block out your schedule as if it were work, buy workout clothes and shoes, purchase a water bottle and fill it up with water, and download 100 songs on your phone or I-pod.   This is all you need to do to start a workout routine.     

Siddiqu “The Personal Trainer” is a CPT, motivational speaker, author of  How Are You Fat and Saved?! He is also the Co-creator of the exercise series “You Would Think I Invented Sweat” for booking information or more fitness tips visit www.chicagofit4life.com  

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