Life Inside Victim-ville by Lanard Miller

prison story 2Five hundred was a lot and that was because before the first riot there was only about one hundred blacks and they got slaughtered by the Mexicans. It was said that they chased the blacks straight over the razor wire fences. It was either get stabbed or take a chance with the razor wire fence, a lose, lose situation. Some blacks got stabbed and stumped, it was an ugly affair. And the blacks were on the losing end.

The majority of the staff was Mexican also, including the administration, the Warden and all. And these people catered to their race. It was a prison set up for Mexicans. I’d never seen racism this bad in my life, it was like slavery times.

During the riot, an officer had locked the blacks in a closed off area, where one or two blacks were isolated with ten Mexicans. You already know what happened to these black dudes, if you don’t I’m going to tell you. They got punished.

And the staff condoned and sanctioned it. The riot started when a black dude from the south had a disagreement with a Mexican. He felt like the Mexican disrespected him and he wanted a one on one, which was something that wasn’t ever going to happen. The Mexicans told him to leave it alone but he insisted on making a big deal over the situation, so they told him to come out at six o’clock that night.

He had no idea that this was the time and day that all the Mexicans met up. So like a dumb ass he showed up expecting the one on one. But the Mexicans didn’t get down like that. As soon as he stepped over to their area they all pulled out knives The Mexicans kept knives stashed everywhere on the yard. This idiot didn’t even let his people know what he was doing, he just went out there. Leaving the already out numbered blacks in the dark and that cost them, dearly. They tried to help their comrade but it went badly.

There were about six hundred Mexicans against about sixty blacks and they slaughtered them. Due to this the administration felt that they needed to bring more blacks on the compound, to even out the numbers, which is how I ended up out there.

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